
luni, 31 august 2015


   Steak...the holy grail for any meat lover. Whether if it's pork, beef, venison or any kind of meat cut, steak will remain the ultimate and yet the simplest dish. I personally rarely cook steak in pan, I'm that kind of guy who likes his steak a little bit smoked so I keep it for summer days when I'm going on a picnic and I can cook it on a grill. Today was not one of those days, but still it turned out to be a very good decision!

   It started as an idea of a steak with mushroom sauce but after a few thoughts the mushrooms ended up in a creamy and delicious risotto which went perfectly with my spicy beef steak.


serves 2

2 slices beef tenderloin ( 1 inch thick )
1/2 chili pepper
1 spring of rosemary
salt and pepper
1 knob of butter
2 tablespoons of oil

   Pat dry the tenderloin slices, season with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat the oil in a pan until smoking hot and put one or both slices on frying (depends how big is your pan) and fry them at medium high until golden brown on one side, turn them on the other side and add the rest of the ingredients: butter, rosemary spring and chili pepper sliced. Let the butter melt and glaze the meat with aromatic sauce until is done.

Mushroom Risotto
serves 2

1 small onion
2 cloves of garlic minced
1 cup rice (I used long grain rice)
300g of mushroom (I used porcini mushrooms)
chicken stock 
salt and pepper
parsley for seasoning 
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 knob of butter

   Thinly slice the onion and fry it until translucent, add the garlic and the mushrooms chopped. Fry the mushrooms until all the liquid is evaporated and start to caramelize then add the rice and keep frying it a little bit (now is time to add a splash of white wine if you want). Add a little bit of chicken stock and stir (chicken stock must be hot/almost boiling) let the rice to absorb the liquid then add a little bit more continuing to stir. Repeat this process until the rice is done, add the butter, season with pepper, salt if it needs more (the chicken stock can be salty enough) and parsley.

joi, 20 august 2015


   I don't particularly like cauliflower,but I remember that being a child I totally hated it, which is a common thing among children to hate vegetables. Growing up, I started to eat it and now one of my favourite dish is cauliflower puree. 
  This recipe is perfect for hot summer days, when just the idea of staying in kitchen and cooking makes you sweat. You can enjoy it with crackers and fresh tomatoes like I did or even a side dish.


Cauliflower puree

1 cauliflower (medium size)
1/2 cup mayonnaise 
1 small red onion minced
2 cloves of garlic minced
1 teaspoon mustard

   Cut the cauliflower in bouquets and wash it fairly well. Place a big pot of water to boil and when it starts to boil add the cauliflower. Let it simmer around 10 minutes or until soft. Meantime mix the mayonnaise and mustard together. 
  When the cauliflower is ready, drain it, place it in a food processor with garlic and onion and puree it until desired consistency. Then mix it well with the mayonnaise. 


1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt

   In a big bowl mix well the flour, salt and baking powder. Add the wet ingredients and continue mixing to form a dough. Roll the dough as thin as possible ( the more thinner your dough will be, the more crispy your crakers will get) and cut your crakers at desired shape. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. 
   Sprinkle on top with paprika and bake at 220 degrees celsius for 10-12 minutes or until golden.

marți, 18 august 2015


  I fell in love of asian cuisine, mostly because of my girlfriend who likes koreean culture and she showed me lots of traditional recipes. It was interesting, they use lots of spices and ingredients I never used or even heard of so it was like a challenge for me to try find some of those ingredients and experience with them.
  Today's recipe is very simple, perfect for a fast dinner and it takes almost no time to prepare. You just have to put everything together, put it on the stove and forget about it for an hour. I'll guarantee you'll not regret if you try this recipe.

Serves 4

4 chicken thights
1/3 cup chicken stock
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper flakes (optional)
4 cloves of garlic minced
1 teaspoon minced ginger
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon sugar

   Wash the chicken thights, dry them with some paper towels and season with salt and pepper (not to much salt because soy sauce is already salted). Mix the other ingredients in a bowl, combine with the chicken thights until they are well coated and put them in a non stick pan. Pour the rest of the sauce over the chicken cover it and let it simmer on low heat for about an hour or until the chicken is done. If the sauce is too thin after the chicken is done, remove the thights and increase the heat reducing the sauce until desired consistency.

luni, 17 august 2015


   When I'm home, the first thing in the morning that I like to do is to serve a big cup of coffee and enjoy a flavourful breakfast. So I did this morning, when I prepared myself a big omelette full of color, healthy and I don't need to mention how delicious it was.

   The following recipe is for one serving but it can be very easy adapted for more.

   Serves 1

   1 medium potato
   Few slices of chorizo or any other flavoured sausage
   1 medium tomato
   1 green onion
   2 eggs
   1/2 teaspoon fresh rosemary
   2-3 tablespoons olive oil
   1 tablespoon lemon juice
   2 extra tablespoons of olive oil

   Add the olive oil into a hot non stick pan, fairly wash or peel the potato, thinly slice it and add it to your pan. Let the potato fry at medium heat until it gets golden brown then add the sliced chorizo and rosemary, keep frying them. Meantime cut the tomato in four, take the seeds out and roughly chop it and add it to the pan. Beat the eggs with some salt and pepper to taste, mix the cheese with the beaten eggs. Pour the egg mixture into the pan, try to evenly spread the potato, tomato and sausage, put the lid on and let it on low heat until the eggs are cooked.
   Thinly chop the green onion, put it into a bowl and add over the lemon juice and the extra olive oil. Mix well and when the eggs are cooked top with the onion.