
vineri, 11 septembrie 2015


   For a long time I wanted to try hummus, I didn't even knew what it is at first but the curiosity made me to search more about this egyptian superfood. Yes superfood! Why? Because it's a very simple, cheap, nutritious, adaptive, vegan, allergy-friendly and many other more qualities. After I find out how ridiculously easy is to make I discovered the taste...oh man, I can't stop eating it now! It's something about that creamy texture, the lemon and tahini which all results in this amazing dip. 
   It's perfect for a light dinner with some homemade pita bread and some fresh tomatoes, maybe some chili peppers if you like it more spicy like me or for a more healthier version you can replace pita bread with some fresh vegetables.

serves 6

400g chickpeas (canned ones)
2-3 tablespoons tahini paste
1/2 lemon (zest and juice)
2 garlic cloves
3 tablespoons of fat yoghurt
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil

   Combine all the ingredients without the oil in a blender or in a tall bowl like I did, season with salt and pepper to taste and blend all together until smooth or desired consistency. If is not smooth enough you can add gradually liquid from chickpeas and keep mixing until you achieve the texture you want. Pour the mixture in your serving dish and top with olive oil. Enjoy!

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